This Is AuburnElectronic Theses and Dissertations

Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Title

Now showing items 5422-5441 of 9368

(K)notting Strands of Change: Radical Deconstruction Through Afrofuturist-Feminist Design 

Shealey, Alaundra (2023-08-01)
Black women have combatted hegemonic forces that forced them into chattel slavery and other forms oppression by using needle, thread, patterns, and design for centuries (Tobin & Dobard, 1999). Working through needle, thread, ...

k-star Decompositions of Lambda-Fold Complete Multipartite Graphs 

Anzur, Matthew (2007-08-15)
We examine the problem of k-star decompositions on lambda-fold complete multipartite graphs. After a brief examination of the computational complexity issues involved, we present complete proofs for necessary and sufficient ...

K4-e Designs with a Hole 

Back, Roxanne (2010-07-27)
In this paper we look at K4 − e designs on Kw−v + v. We settle the case when w and v are of the same parity.

Kalman Filter Based Tracking Algorithms For Software GPS Receivers 

Lashley, Matthew (2006-12-15)
In this thesis several new Kalman filter based tracking algorithms for GPS software receivers are presented. Traditional receivers use Costas loops and Delay Lock Loops (DLL) to track the carrier and Pseudo-Random Noise ...

KATG as a Defense Against Hydrogen Peroxide Toxicity: From a Redundant C-Terminal Domain to the Paradoxical Synergy of Two Mutually Antagonistic Activities 

Duan, Haijun (2014-12-09)
Catalase-peroxidases (KatGs), first discovered in 1979, are heme-dependent enzymes mainly found in bacteria, archaea and fungi. They are capable of decomposing H2O2 by catalatic and peroxidatic pathways. KatG has garnered ...

Keep Moving Forward and Strive for Excellence: A Sequential Mediation Model on Grit, Psychological Capital, Job Search Behaviors, and the Quality of Reemployment 

Lee, Jeanna (2024-04-22)
The primary purpose of the study is to develop and examine a theoretical framework encompassing grit, psychological capital, and job search behaviors to gain deeper insights into their impact on the quality of reemployment ...

Keeping Choir in Show Choir: A Qualitative Study on How a Select Group of Public Secondary School Choral Directors from Various Regions of the United States Incorporate Choral Methods in Competitive Show Choir 

McCormick, Patrick (2023-11-29)
“Swing Choir” was first introduced by Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians via the phonograph, radio, synchronized sound, and television in 1949. Since its inception, the evolution of show choir has brought some controversy ...

Key Personality Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms in First and Second Year College Students: Detangling Antecedent from Consequence 

Riley, Lucy (2018-04-24)
Background. Studies have consistently shown that low constraint and high negative emotionality are associated with higher levels for alcohol use and greater alcohol related problems. Less research has examined associations ...

Killing the Common Core: An Analysis of State Policymaking 

Malone, Matthew (2017-07-22)
Policymaking research explains and predicts what will happen when an issue enters the policy stream and why changes occur. Numerous theories, frameworks, and models have been created to attempt to explain policy shifts. ...

Kinematic Analysis of the Collected and Extended Jog and Lope of the Stock Breed Western Pleasure Horse 

Shroyer, Joanna Elizabeth (2010-12-07)
Scientific research concerning stock breed western pleasure horses is limited. Therefore the purposes of this investigation were to determine if stock breed western pleasure horses 1) alter stride length independently of ...

Kinematic and Kinetic Comparison of Overhand and Underhand Pitching: Implications to Proximal-to-Distal Sequencing 

Garner, John (2007-12-15)
Because the segments of the body are linked, the movement of one component affects the action of all the other components of that segment, suggesting that there is an interaction between segments in an open kinetic chain ...

Kinematic Equine Gait Analysis and Architecture Trait Phenotyping of Loblolly Pine using 3D Stereo Machine Vision and Deep Learning 

Niknejad, Nariman (2022-12-02)
As agricultural technologies have progressed rapidly over the past decades, animal and plant phenotyping has become one of the primary research topics. Conventional phenotyping relies heavily on manual measurements, which ...

Kinetic Effects of Heat Stress on Olfaction: A Thermodynamic Evaluation of Electrical Responses to Odorants in Olfactory Epithelia 

Hagerty, Samantha (2018-04-23)
Detection dogs are exposed to some of the most extreme environmental conditions in the world while simultaneously expected to maintain maximal olfactory function. Sometimes these conditions exceed their thermoregulatory ...

Kinetic Investigation and modeling of cellulase enzyme using Non-crystalline cellulose and Cello-oligosaccharides 

Peri, Suma (2006-08-15)
Enzymatic hydrolysis of Cellulose depends on many factors; physical properties of substrate (composition, crystallinity, degree of polymerization etc.), enzyme synergy (origin, composition etc.), mass transfer (substrate ...

Kinetics of Rebaudioside A Degradation in Buffer Solutions as Affected by UV Light Exposure 

Jiewen, Zhang (2016-08-04)
Rebaudioside A is a natural non-caloric high-potency sweetener extracted from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana. With rebaudioside A use increasing in foods, understanding factors affecting its stability is necessary. The ...

Kisspeptin, a Novel Hypothalamic Regulator of the Somatotropic and Gonadotropic Axes in Ruminants 

Whitlock, Brian Keith (2009-07-31)
Reproductive inefficiency in dairy cows is a worldwide problem. Factors that improve reproductive performance even slightly could have large impacts on the efficiency of food animal production. The neuropeptide kisspeptin ...

Knapsack problems with setup 

Yang, Yanchun (2006-08-15)
This research studies three integer programming models which can be applied to order acceptance in make-to-order manufacturing or regional project selection in multiple periods. All three models are the variations of the ...

Knee Valgus vs. Knee Abduction Angle: Comparative Analysis of Valgus Alignment Measurement Methods in Female Athletes 

Oldfather, Taylor (2020-07-30)
Precise mathematical methods have been developed to quantify lower limb kinematics in anatomically meaningful ways to aid clinicians and researchers in a range of ways from injury prevention to rehabilitation practices. ...

Knowledge and Competence Regarding Percentage of Consonants Correct: A National Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists 

Dale, Emily (2016-04-26)
The purpose of the current national survey was to examine speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs’) competence and confidence regarding the use of Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC). Comparisons were made between recent ...

Knowledge and Practices of Disability Services Providers Who Serve Postsecondary Students with Traumatic Brain Injury 

Smith, Laura (2015-04-08)
This study gathered information about disability services providers’ knowledge, experiences, and practices in providing accommodations for postsecondary students with traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study surveyed ...