Browsing Auburn Theses and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 4447-4466 of 9368
Habitat and population modeling as tools for the conservation of the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus)
Spatial heterogeneity is an inherent part of landscapes and often has important consequences for the movements, distribution, or persistence of many wildlife species. Quantifying the composition, configuration, and ...
Habitat Associations Among Bats on Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
As forests become more fragmented, more research about use of forests by bats at the landscape level is needed. I employed 2 methods to investigate use of forest by foraging bats; mist-net surveys and ultrasonic-detection ...
Habitat Associations and Predictive Presence Modeling for Plethodontid Eurycea hillisi in West Georgia
The purpose of this study was to identify habitat associations of Eurycea hillisi and use those characteristics to develop a predictive model. In Chapter 1, I gave an overview of the taxonomic history of the species and ...
Habitat Associations of Birds of North America
I examined habitat associations of woodpeckers (Picidae) and warblers (Parulidae) on Redstone Arsenal, Madison County, Alabama. I used maps derived from satellite imagery to construct models of habitats occupied by the ...
A habitat risk assessment and breeding site projection for Slackwater Darter (Etheostoma boschungi) in Limestone Creek
Catalysts for species decline are difficult to identify and are rarely single. The use of predictive models that incorporate multiple factors have proven useful in recognizing major drivers of species declines in multiple ...
Habitat Use by Telemetered Alabama Shad during the Spawning Migration in the Lower Flint River, Georgia
The Alabama Shad Alosa alabamae is an anadromous fish which lives in the northern Gulf of Mexico and ascends freshwater rivers in during springtime to spawn. Populations have experienced substantial range-wide declines ...
Habitat Use of Larval and Juvenile Cape Fear shiners (Notropis mekistocholas)
The factors responsible for imperilment of freshwater fishes are diverse, but most
can be categorized as some form of habitat loss or alteration. Understanding effects of
various forms of habitat alteration on single ...
Habitat use, survival, and reproductive success of female Florida mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula fulvigula) using the Everglades Agricultural Area and urban habitats of south-eastern Florida
The most recent Conservation Plan for the Florida Mottled Duck identified several areas where knowledge of the species is incomplete. This study was initiated to provide critical information needed for the development of ...
HadioFS: Improve the Performance of HDFS by Off-loading I/O to ADIOS
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is the underlying storage for the whole Hadoop stack, which includes MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Pig, etc. Because of its robustness and portability, HDFS has been widely adopted, often ...
Hamilton Cycles In Multipartite Graphs With Two Associative Classes
In this dissertation, the following two problems are considered: the embedding problem of when a k-edge-coloring of a multipartite graph G can be embedded into a Hamilton decomposition of multipartite graph H containing ...
Hamilton Decompositions of Graphs with Primitive Complements
A graph G is a pair (V, E) where V is the set of vertices(or nodes) and E is the set of edges connecting the vertices. A graph is called k-regular, if all of its vertices are incident with k edges. A k-factor of a graph G ...
Hamiltonian Decompositions of Complete Multipartite Graphs with Specified Leaves
For any 2-regular spanning subgraph G and H of the complete
multipartite graph
K with p parts each of size m, conditions are found which guarantee the
existence of a 2-factorization of K or of K - I (for some 1-factor ...
Handover Management in Femtocell Networks
Radio communication has come a long way from 1G Advanced Mobile Phone Systems
(Amps) voice to Evolved 3G Enhanced Voice Data Optimized (EVDO), High Speed Packet
Access plus (HSPA+) and 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) now. ...
Hands up, don't shoot: Decision factors underlying the use of deadly force
Making good decisions at work is an important facet of job performance. Understanding the cognitive processes underlying an individual’s decision making habits may improve the general comprehension of decision outcomes. ...
Hands's Own Tamar: Sources, Coding, and Psychology
Elizabeth Hands published by subscription in 1789 her lone volume of poetry, The Death of Amnon. The title poem of this volume is a biblical verse paraphrase, a genre Hands used to validate herself as a poet as well as ...
Hardware Acceleration for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning in Embedded Systems
Hardware acceleration within embedded systems can potentially allow algorithms to meet real time requirements in devices where it was previously impossible. Though many algorithms have been developed targeting embedded ...
Hardware Testbed for Collaborative Robotics using Wireless Communication
Collaborating mobile robots equipped with WiFi transceivers are configured as a mobile ad-hoc network. Search and rescue algorithms are developed to take advantage of the distributed processing capability inherent to ...
A Hardware-Software Processor Architecture using Pipeline Stalls for Leakage Power Management
In recent years, power consumption has become a critical design concern for many VLSI systems. Nowhere is this truer than for portable, battery-operated applications, where power consumption has perhaps superseded speed ...
Hardy space associated with flag-type singular integrals of three parameters
The main purpose of this thesis is to establish a Hardy space theory associated with the flag-type singular integrals on Euclidean space. This theory is a continuation of those the classical one parameter, product setting ...
Harmony in Horticulture: Rethinking State Preemption on Pesticide Regulation
This three-paper dissertation investigates the adoption of state pesticide preemption policies in all 50 U.S. states from 1989 to 2016. Utilizing internal determinants, external factors (policy diffusion), and conventional ...